среда, 6 июля 2011 г.


Шакалам хватает смелости тявкать только за спиной. В этом и есть их отличие от волков...

вторник, 12 апреля 2011 г.

Hey Jim!

-Hey Jim! What you do?
-You that don't see?
-You again for the... Your drugs won't result in the good... Think of the girl, she loves you!
-In that and business the bro that she doesn't love...

суббота, 9 апреля 2011 г.


Любовь,дружба и вообще все отношения - БРЕД
чистой воды БРЕД!!!
Не верьте ничему и никому !!!НИКОГДА!!!

Love, friendship and in general all relations - BRAD
At its finest BRAD!!!
Don't trust anything and anybody!!! NEVER !!!


More there is no that fire in a shower. Doesn't remain even sparks.... There is no meaning of the life... There is only an existence...
You would make all that all was how is now...
What for all these big words about love, the future were necessary? We simply entered the friend, the friend into error...